

【LOX プロフィール】
LOX (ロックス) ギルティギアシリーズの強豪プレイヤー。GGSTではジオヴァーナをメインに使用し、EVOJapan2023 GGSTでは準優勝、ARCREVO Japan 2023では5位に入るなど、近年も勢いが止まらないギルティギアプレイヤーの1人。その安定したプレイスタイルと鋭い洞察力で知られる実力派プレイヤー。

X : @lox_monooki

2017年 EVO Japan 賽 GGXrdR2 7位(蔵土縁紗夢)
2018年 EVO Japan GGXrdR2 7位(蔵土縁紗夢)
2019年 EVO Japan GGXrdR2 5 位(蔵土縁紗夢)
2023年 EVO Japan GGST 準優勝(ジオヴァーナ)
2023年 ARCREVO Japan GGST 5位(ジオヴァーナ)


【LOX Profile】
LOX is a strong player in the Guilty Gear series, LOX mainly uses Giovanna in GGST and is one of the Guilty Gear players who has continued to gain momentum in recent years, finishing second place in EVOJapan 2023 GGST and fifth place in ARCREVO Japan 2023. He is a talented player known for his stable playing style and keen insight.He has proven himself in numerous titles, especially in competitive games, where his excellent judgment and strategy shine through.He maintains his composure during matches, and his style of play, in which he assesses his opponent’s moves to ensure victory, has earned him high praise from other players and fans alike. He is expected to make further progress in the future, and his strategic style of play continues to attract attention at domestic and international tournaments.

X : @lox_monooki

【Recent Achievements】
2017 EVO Japan Sai GGXrdR2, 7th place (Jam Kuradoberi)
2018 EVO Japan GGXrdR2 7th place (Jam Kuradoberi)
2019 EVO Japan GGXrdR2 5th place (Jam Kuradoberi)
2023 EVO Japan GGST 2nd Place (Giovanna)
2023 ARCREVO Japan GGST 5th place (Giovanna)

【Message from LOX】
I am very happy to belong to Team immortal. I will be balancing my main job with the goal of achieving even better results than I have in the past. As a professional gamer, I hope to help revitalize the FGC and the competitive scene. I look forward to your support, including our team immortal.