


X : @nanaskRQ youtube : @nanaskRQ

KGP 2022 MBTL 優勝
Frosty Faustings XV(アメリカ) グラブルVS 2位
FGC Arcade Road to EVO 2023 MBTL 3位
EVO 2024(アメリカ) グラブルVSR 13位


【RQ Profile】
RQ is a strong player who mainly plays the Granblue Fantasy Versus series, he participates in the competitive scene at GBVSR using the character that suits him best each season, and is still growing and evolving as he tied for 13th place at EVO 2024. He is an all-rounder who handles multiple characters at a high level and has the ability to make the best decisions.
He has a high level of understanding of each character, incorporates strategies according to the situation, and excels at playing consistent games.
While he excels at playing hardball, he also shows his intuition and bold play as a player with a keen sense of perception, which keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. He is scheduled to participate in many domestic and international tournaments in the future, and there are high expectations for his further success.

X : @nanaskRQ youtube : @nanaskRQ

【Recent Achievements】
KGP 2022 MBTL Winner
Frosty Faustings XV GBVS (USA) 2nd place
FGC Arcade Road to EVO 2023 MBTL 3rd place
EVO 2024 (USA) GBVSR 13th place

Message from RQ
My name is RQ and I joined team immortal. Currently, I mainly play GBVSR. I hope to continue to enjoy playing the game as I have in the past, while also working to revitalize the community and the competitive scene. As a professional, I will do my best to achieve more results than I am doing now, while balancing my main job. Thank you for your continued support.