Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strikeにおける西のヒューゴー神と呼ばれるプレイヤー。3rdでは弱キャラとされているヒューゴーながら、強豪プレイヤーをも投げ倒すプレイは世界中の人々を魅了してやまない。「ヒューゴー」は、ギガスブリーカー(通称:ギガス)というレバー2回転コマンドの超必殺の投げ技を持っており、それを相手の前ダッシュに合わせるなど、常人では理解不能なタイミングで決めるプレイスタイルが特徴。そんな魅せるプレイヤーである”はやお”には海外のファンも多く、尊敬の意を込めて「Hayao is Sick!!」と称されることも多い。
第4回,第5回クーペレーションカップ Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike 優勝
闘劇’05 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike ベスト4
恋姫†演武 八大家戦 第二幕 7位(張飛)
中四国大会2018 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike 準優勝
3rd忘年会2018 準優勝
第14回 天下夢想杯 恋姫†演武 3on 優勝
HFS Summer 2023 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike 優勝
第18回クーペレーションカップ Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike ベスト8
EVO2024 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike ベスト4
【Hayao’s Profile】
Hayao is known as the “Hugo God of the West” in Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, Hugo is considered a weak character in Street Fighter III, but his ability to throw down even the strongest fighters has captivated people around the world. Hugo has a super special throw called the Giga Breaker (a.k.a. Gigas), which he commands with two lever rotations, and his play style is characterized by timing his throws in a way that is incomprehensible to the average player, such as by matching them with his opponent’s forward dash. Hayao is such a charming player that he has many overseas fans, who often refer to him with the respectful phrase “Hayao is Sick! with respect.
There are rumors that the cabinet in which Hayao sits “must have a ‘Gigas Button’ that you can press to release Gigas.
【Recent Achievements】
The 4th and 5th Cooperation Cup Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike Winner
Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike Best 4
Koihime† Enbu: The Battle of the Eight Great Masters, Act II, 7th place
Chushikoku Tournament 2018 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike 2nd place
3rd Year-End Party 2018 Second Place
The 14th Tenka Muso Cup Koihime† Enbu 3on Winner
HFS Summer 2023 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike Winner
18th Cooperation Cup Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike Best 8
EVO2024 Street Fighter Ⅲ 3rd Strike Best 4
【Message from Hayao】
I believe that I will not always have the same opportunities and health as I do now, and that “I may not be able to play the game all of a sudden. That is why I will continue to do my best so that I will not leave anything behind in my games and performance.